In 2016, just under six percent of the population had dental implants. Those numbers have grown significantly year after year. Before the turn of the millennium, though, less than one percent of the population had them.

Cosmetic and implant dentistry has become more popular, more accessible, and less expensive. Due to the recency of this growth, however, a lot of people know little about these practices.

Come along as we look at some of the basics of implant dentistry. You’ll learn who makes a good candidate, types of implants, and expected outcomes.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry?

While advances in implant dentistry have made it easier for people to get implants, some people make better candidates than others. The primary issues in implant dentistry include gum health and bone health.

A patient with unhealthy gums faces a lot of risks during these services. Periodontal disease can make implant placement more difficult and increases the risk of surgical infection.

Patients with damaged bones, meanwhile, cannot have implants due to the lack of a place to put them. Even a partially damaged jawbone can make it too difficult for an implant to integrate with the bone.

Fortunately, modern dental services can take care of these problems. In addition to improving gum health with better brushing and flossing habits, patients can elect to undergo procedures that build back jawbone and graft tissue to the gums. As a result, almost all patients can pursue implants in the long term.

Types of Implants

A dentist office or maxillofacial surgeon can place different types of implants. These include single-post implants, mini implants, and full-mouth implants.

Single-Post Implant

A single-post implant consists of one post and a matching restoration. For people who have only lost or damaged one tooth, this makes a great, stable alternative to a bridge. Sometimes, multiple restorations can sit on a single post.

Mini Implants

Mini implants help to stabilize a lower denture and strengthen the jawbone. These consist of four to six small posts. They make a good choice for patients who do not have the jawbone strength for full implants.

Full-Mouth Implants

Full-mouth implants provide several posts and allow for the replacement of as many lost or damaged teeth as the patient needs. These typically consist of four or more posts and a full set of replacement teeth.

Expected Recovery Process

The recovery process consists of two broad phases. Initial recovery deals with the return to daily tasks and regular eating habits. Full recovery involves healing and growth within the bone, as well as final implant placement.

The first phase can be as short as a few days but can last up to a couple of weeks. During this time, you will generally not have a restoration in the affected area.

The second, meanwhile, takes four to six months in most cases. This allows the posts to build back new bone to provide strength for the final implant. After this, you will have to return to your implant dentist for final placement.

Reclaim Your Smile

Cosmetic and implant dentistry has helped millions of people get the smile they deserve. It also helps restore function for patients with large numbers of lost teeth.

At our practice, we offer mini-implant placement. Contact us to learn more about this process and how we can serve you.