Did you know that at least 47.2% of adults have a form of gum disease? These adults are at least 30 years old, but some are older. Gum disease increases in adults once they reach the age of 65, standing at 70.1 percent.

If you have gum disease, it’s important you find out the best gum disease treatments as soon as possible. If you’re living with untreated gum disease, you are at risk for other illnesses.

In this article, we’ll teach you all you need to know about pursuing gum disease treatment and so much more. Keep reading to find out 4 gum disease treatment methods you should know about.

1. Scaling and Root Planing

If you have gum disease, your dentist may recommend you get your teeth scaled. Usually, dental professionals conduct this procedure along with root planing. Scaling and root planing are both known as “deep cleaning” procedures.

Teeth scaling and root planing are great ways to treat gum disease. These methods consist of an in-depth cleaning, as opposed to a typical tooth-cleaning.

Sometimes, scaling and root-planing take more than one visit to your dentist to get the job done. You may even need anesthesia… but that’s determined by the severity of the issue.

2. Antibiotics

Antibiotics are another treatment your dental professional may administer. You can take antibiotics in a topical or oral form… reducing your risk of bacterial infection.

Topical antibiotics include mouth rinses or gel insertions. Gel insertions contain antibiotics positioned between your teeth and gumline. To make sure you don’t get an infection, your dentist will likely give you oral antibiotics.

3. Flap Surgery

Gum disease creates small incisions in your gums. This causes your gum tissue to lift back, away from your teeth, exposing the root. This makes it easy for scaling and root planing.

Gum disease often causes bone loss… so your dentist may need to recontour before suturing the gum back into place. Once you’ve healed you’ll have a better time maintaining your oral health.

4. Tissue Regeneration

The tissue regeneration method involves guidance from your dentist. As gum disease worsens, bacteria may eat away at your bones, destroying them. Guided tissue regeneration allows the regrowth of bones that may have been destroyed.

There are a few methods for tissue regeneration. The dentist may place a special fabric between your bone and tooth. The fabric prevents tissue you don’t want from entering the healing area.

Learn About These Gum Disease Treatments

If you have gum disease, there’s no need to worry… because there are plenty of gum disease treatments available! Some treatments include surgical methods, and others include non-surgical methods of your treatment.

Non-surgical methods include scaling, root planning, and antibiotics. Root planning and scaling may include the use of anesthesia. Surgical gum disease treatment includes flap surgery and guided tissue regeneration.

To find out which is best for you, talk to your dentist as soon as possible. To learn more about gum disease and how to prevent it, contact us today.